Radical climate conditions have demanded a symbiotic relationship with our environment. Competition dissolved in existential threat. At the point of no return, society as we knew it diffused into chaos. Seeking information, massive moving convoys formed towards metropoles and we got stuck on the road. Life is different after the Big Jam. Temporary settlements alongside and within the still stream of cars make for a nomadic lifestyle. A restless further pushing force and human impatience are driving infinite nomadic circulation through former cities and countryside regions. Part of the process is a fundamental change in cultures and the distribution of power and space. Playful roaming sparks spontaneous and creative collaboration between Big Jammers. Cars come in handy as last thresholds of mobile intimacy while buildings are public.

Send us an e-mail with your story and your point of view by June 8th 2020!

Guidelines for your story

All materials that are used must be reusable/cyclic. No digital technology is possible as well as no techno solutionism. There can’t be complex hierarchical institutions that manage decision making of any kind. Everything is public and accessible. Remember: Not all is lost, think of a playful existence and coexistence. Nature is not an object, but a co-actor. Write from a personal perspective - no general claims are to be made. Keep it short, max. 250 words!